Joist Repair ShopDIY and TradeJoist Repair Plates, Joist Splicing Plates, Hole and Slot RepairProperty Repair Systems - Joist Repair Help - 01626 872886
If you have already placed any items in your Shopping Cart, you can click here to see the contents Otherwise, start or continue Shopping below by using the 'Add to Cart' buttons. Joist end repair kits and splicing kits to replace rotted joists JOIST END REPAIR KITS - JOIST SPLICE KITS TIMBER RESIN JOIST SPLICE KITS - WOOD MACHINED TO SIZE STRENGTH UPGRADES - FOR ROTTED JOISTS, CARRIER BEAMS, RING BEAMS Holes and slots in joists - repair materials EPOXY PUTTY , EPOXY ADHESIVE, STEEL STRAPS Note - prices exclude delivery and VAT call for Trade and bulk prices. Testimonial Hi
all, quick E Mail just
to say thanks - brilliant product, the Bower Beams saved me so much work
it is untrue!! Easy to fit and work perfectly, I know they are quite simple
as a concept, but so often you buy workarounds and they just prove to
be a waste of time. Absolutely would use you again and will recommend
to a builder friend as this was such a positive experience and easy job
for me to do on my own as a DIY fix. I did it over two lazy, coffee fueled
mornings (4 joists) but reckon I could have done it in one morning if
I'd been bothered. Thanks to all and take care. Samna. Steel plate kits for repairing and splicing rotted joists A. Joist Repair - replace the rotted ends up to 17 inches (430mm) from the wall face using our zinc galvanised steel pre-drilled platesThese are known as Bower Beams, after the Inventor. We have been selling them for over 25 years.For Domestic Floor Loadings only. Web Page - click here Steel plate kit for joist repair Joist End Repair Plates - BM6, BM9 and BM17 (in two depths) 1. Bearing End Replacement Use For use to replace rotted ends or as splicing plates to add a new length of timber Supplied as pairs of galvanized steel plates, pre-drilled, to be fixed with Coach Screws (included). The plates rest in or on the wall and allow for the rotted end to be cut off. Joist End Repair Plate Kits - BM9 - for up to 9 inches (225mm of cut off) Fixing upgrade for Heavy Duty Situations For use in rows of continuous end repairs, with no sound joist ends between, always add our bolt and nut set, comprising two bolts, two nuts and two washers, 10mm diameter, through the plates into the parent joist, to give additional stiffness. 2. Splicing Using Steel Plate Kits For use to add a new length of timber to an existing end For use in splicing two joist pieces together always add two bolt and nut sets, comprising four bolts, four nuts and eight washers, 10mm diameter, through the plates into the parent joists, to give additional stiffness. How to choose the correct kit and plate size BM6 and BM9 - only for joists 4 inches (100mm) up to 6 inches (150mm) deep x 2 to 3 inches wide (100mm to 150mm x 50mm to 75mm) BM6 - 100mm deep Plates - allow for up to 6 inches, 150mm, to be cut off - joist size 4 inches, (100mm deep), up to 6 inches, (150mm deep). Plate size = 100mm deep x 550mm long with a 25mm flange lip on the bottom. BM9 - 100mm deep Plates - allow for up to 9 inches, 225mm, to be cut off - joist size 4 inches, (100mm deep), up to 6 inches, (150mm deep). Plate size = 100mm deep x 655mm long with a 25mm flange lip on the bottom. The plates extend into the wall - no wood required in the wall socket. Note - the galvanised Coach Screws are included with the Kits. Steel plate end repair and splicing kit prices BM17 - 150mm Plates - only for joists of a minimum size of 6 inches x 2 inches, (150mm x 50mm), up to 8 inches x 3 inches, (200mm x 75mm). Note - the galvanised Coach Screws are included with the Kits. BM17 Plates - allow for up to 17 inches, 432mm, to be cut off - joist sizes from 6 inches, 150mm deep up to 8 inches, 200mm deep x 3 inches, 75mm width maximum. Plate size = 150mm deep x 1025mm long with a 25mm flange lip on the bottom. BM6
Kit - 100mm deep - £28.70 - BM9
Kit - 100mm deep - £30.75 - BM17
Kit - 150mm deep - £44.25 -
Special sizes available to order, made from steel plate Bolts
Set - £2.50 - Note - For Joist End Repair Plates when in Heavy Duty or Splicing applications buy 2 Bolts Sets per Kit. Web Page - click here
B. Reinforce damaged timber joists and beamsThe steel plate kits can also be used for adding to other types and sizes of structural timbers to reinforce areas of damage. Typical example of use: - Timber beams damaged by rot - Joists cut out to take pipes - Roof and floor timbers damaged by wood boring insects C. Timber- Resin Splice Kits - replace joist or beam ends, or centre sections. No size limits.For Historic, Domestic and Commercial Floor Loadings. Web Page - click here Timber- Resin Splice Kits - Type C, D, E, F, G, H. Bearing End Replacement Use and Mid Span Repairs For use to replace rotted ends or to add a new length of timber Supplied as complete kits containing a new piece of laminated wood to the exact original size, high tensile steel bars as connectors and epoxy resins for making the connection. For repairing timber beams, lintols, rafters, tie beams, carrier beams, joists and bressumers. These bespoke beam kits contain a new, laminated structural timber, made in kiln dried wood to C24 Grade or higher, fitted with connector bars made from zinc plated 8.8 Grade High Tensile Allthread bar. Pouring or injection resins are also included. More details - see our specialist Web Sites www.timber.org.uk - systems of repair, with step by step methods and site photos www.timber-repair.co.uk - how to repair timber beams with Site photos Save a ceiling Joist Timber Resin Splice Kit Engineering - free Design, Method Statement and Tools List (Hire available). Frequently purchased with this product - additional Structural Pouring Resin Pricing - price on application, Immediate Free Quotation - call Angela or David on 01626 872886 Quotation Request Form - click here D. Wood machined to shape, no size limits.For Historic, Domestic and Commercial Floor Loadings. Web Page - click here We machine and laminate wood to recreate your original Joist or Beam size, shape and timber species. Machined softwood to Imperial Size - in inches We manufacture unusual shaped timber repair components. For example, on the left we have a Pizza Hut building with new frame legs, on the right a timber multi part beam part. Engineering - free Design, Method Statement and Tools List (Hire available). Frequently purchased with this product - additional Structural Pouring Resin Pricing - price on application, Immediate Free Quotation - call Angela or David on 01626 872886 Web Page - click here E. Strength Upgrades - reduce deflection - sagging joists and beams, change of use: domestic to commercialFor Historic, Domestic and Commercial Floor Loadings. Web Page - click here Strength Upgrades for joists and beams - Structural Epoxy Pouring Resin and high tensile steel bars For stiffening bearing ends or mid span deflection For use to stop sagging in floor joists and carrier beams For stiffening timber beams, lintols, rafters, tie beams, carrier beams, joists and bressumers. Steel reinforcement, made from zinc plated 8.8 Grade High Tensile Allthread bar, or BS4449 Rebar is laid into a central slot and then Structural Epoxy Pouring resin is added to form a permanent upgrade. This 'modified flitch' usually doubles the stiffness of the average beam. Central slot cut and then bars and resin used. Engineering - free Design, Method Statement and Tools List (Hire available). Frequently purchased with this product - additional Structural Pouring Resin Strength Upgrade material prices 2.5 litres
of Pouring Resin - £75.11 - 7.5 litres
of Pouring Resin - £150.22 - Strength Upgrade Connection Rods Epoxy-Glass Bars - supplied in 1 metre lengths Available in 6, 8, 10, 13, 16mm diameters Zinc Plated High Tensile Steel Allthread - cut from 3 metre lengths Available in 12, 16, 20, 25mm diameters Helical Stainless Steel Bar - supplied in 1 metre and 7 metre lengths Stainless Steel Helical Bar Available in 6mm and 8mm diameters. Free Quotation - call Angela or David on 01626 872886 Slot cut out using an Auger & Chisel Bars dropped into slot & resin poured. Web Page - click here F. All Metal Chisels - for deep slot clearance in wood Ideal for cleaning out slots when fitting Timber-Resin Splice Joist End repair kits. All Metal Chisels, made of solid steel, can be used with lump hammers and as levers, to clean out slots and tidy up previously roughly cut out cavities in wood. All Metal Chisels prices Standard length; Extended length All Steel Chisel - standard length 14 inches - also available extended G. Contact us for Structural Calculations and Technical Advice - 01626 872886 Looking for a solution to a problem:
Free Technical Advice on all these subjects: call Angela or David on 01626 33135 H. Joist Hole and Slot RepairFor Domestic Floor Loadings only. Click for Data Sheet - Epoxy Putty Click for Data Sheet - Epoxy Adhesive Paste Web Page - click here Joist Hole and Slot Repair For use to replace slots, holes and notches cut through joists by electricians and plumbers Holes and slots are filled using our Mouldable Epoxy Putty, with protective plastic DPC sleeving around pipes to allow movement. Mixing Epoxy Putty in the gloved hand. Steel straps are fitted on both sides of each joist. Epoxy Putty around pipe, steel straps above and below. Joist Hole and Slot Repair Prices Or buy by phone 01626 872886 Epoxy Putty 500cc
of Epoxy Putty - £14.85 - 1
litre of Epoxy Putty - £24.60 - Epoxy Adhesive Paste
1 litre of adhesive - £18.76 - 3.33
litres of adhesive - £46.80 - Zinc plated steel strapping 28mm wide x 2.5mm thick, 6mm holes at 25mm centres 350mm
of steel strapping - £4.50 -
of steel strapping - £6.75 - Use our telephone help service on 01626 872886 to advise regarding where you will need Epoxy Putty and where steel strapping should be added. Click for Data Sheet - Epoxy Putty Click for Data Sheet - Epoxy Adhesive Paste Web Page - click here Property
Repair Systems
Care of H S Hire, Broadmeadow Industrial Estate, Teignmouth, TQ14 9AE T: 01626 872886
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